Have it all, Kris Krohn


If you’re ready to elevate yourself to the next level, you’ve come to the right place. All you need to do now is take action.

Let’s face the facts: money and wealth should NOT be the sole focus of our lives. Anyone who lives only by the digits in their bank account, is NOT happy, and having money is NOT the same as having happiness. But the reality is money dictates almost every option in our lives—from where we live, what we drive, the vacations we take our families on, and even where we send our kids to school.

The truth is: money rules our day to day lives.

So, this is a book about money. But more than just what money is, or why it matters. This book is really about how to outsmart the OLD money rules and follow NEW ones that will take your financial goals of freedom and prosperity and make them a reality.

Sadly, society is a terrible money mentor. College, financial planners—they are in the same boat. The TRUE financial coaches are few and far between. With most ROI investment plans yielding low, single digit returns, more and more Americans are starting to realize that their retirement will not last. All in all, the odds are stacked against you if you continue to follow society’s old money rules.

The good news is there is a better way. You can find successful, vetted, and profitable ROI’s that create double, triple, and in some cases quadruple digit returns. This book is all about creating active, passive, and positive asymmetric risk incomes through a combination of the most profitable opportunities in our economy today.





This compilation was released by Lorena López Writer, Professional Translator, Angelic coaching, Librarian, Feng Shui Consultant and EFt therapist.

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